Pain Behind Your Eyes: 3 Reasons For These Headaches

It's normal to experience occasional headaches, perhaps due to stress, fatigue, or sleeplessness. But persistent headaches that are centered behind the eye can be a cause for alarm. These headaches may indicate a severe underlying problem, so you need to schedule an eye exam to identify the exact cause.

Learn about the possible causes of persistent pain behind the eyes by reading below.


Migraine headaches often come with intense pain or a throbbing sensation on one side of the head. You will feel the pain directly behind your right or left eye, which could be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

The symptoms of migraine may differ from one person to another. The most common ones are:

  • Light sensitivity
  • Seeing flashing lights
  • Blind spots
  • Tingling on one side of the face

Migraine headaches may result from hormonal changes, stress, or exposure to bright lights. Depending on the cause, your optometrist may recommend an eye exam to determine if the issue is light related. If so, they may prescribe migraine glasses that can filter out the harmful light waves that might be the cause of your migraines. These glasses reduce the frequency of migraines and protect you from developing other eye conditions.

Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer eye syndrome is a common problem among young people, especially in today's technology era. Today, nearly everything, from work to studies and communication, is done online, forcing people to spend a lot of time staring at their gadgets.

As such, there are huge risks of eye strain and exposure to blue light. This is accompanied by other symptoms such as headaches, neck and back pain, and watery eyes.

The best way to prevent computer vision syndrome is to reduce screen time. And if you must use your phone or computer regularly, wear prescription eyewear to keep excess light away. If the symptoms persist despite taking the recommended measures, visit your optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam to identify if there are more serious issues at play.


Glaucoma is a severe eye condition, mainly affecting adults aged 40 years or older, myopic vision patients, and people with diabetes or hypertension. This eye problem is also the second leading cause of blindness, so you should be on the lookout for any symptoms of glaucoma and seek medical help before it's too late.

Besides the dull pain behind the eyes, you may experience intense eye pain when you transition from a dark environment to a brightly lit room. You may also notice deteriorating vision, especially at night.

Usually, an eye exam would be crucial to narrow down on this condition. And depending on the type of glaucoma you have, your eye doctor may recommend prescription medication or specialized glaucoma glasses to save you from the daily inconvenience of eye drops.

For more information, schedule an eye exam from a service near you.
