LASIK Surgery: What To Expect

LASIK surgery is a procedure in which a special laser is used to reshape the cornea in order to improve a person's vision. This type of procedure can be used to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. Most people who opt to have LASIK surgery performed are excited about the prospect of being able to live without contact lenses or eyeglasses, but are not sure what to expect. Continue reading to learn more about LASIK eye surgery and what happens afterwards:

Prior to Surgery

The first step on the road to LASIK surgery is a full evaluation by an eye doctor so he or she can determine whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure. If you wear contact lenses on a daily basis, you will need to stop doing so and switch over to glasses for a few weeks before your evaluation with your eye doctor. Contact lenses can alter the shape of your cornea, so if you cease to wear your contact lenses your eye doctor will not be able to get accurate measurements, which can lead to poorer outcomes after surgery.

You will not be able to drive yourself home after your LASIK surgery, so make sure that you make arrangements to have a friend or family member drop you off at your appointment and be ready to take you home when your eye doctor discharges you.


During LASIK surgery you will be awake and aware. Your eye doctor will have you lie down, and drops will be placed in your eyes to numb them. First, a laser will be used to create a small flap in your corneas. Then another laser will be used to vaporize tissue around the cornea according to the measurements that your eye doctor took during your evaluation. Most people report that LASIK surgery is not painful, but you may feel some pressure and minimal discomfort when the lasers are used.

No stitches are used to secure the flap in your corneas; instead, your doctor will put on eye shields to help protect your eyes and the corneal flap while it heals. It is essential to wear the eye shields for the prescribed amount of time to prevent infection or any other types of problems.


Immediately after LASIK surgery, it is not uncommon for the eyes to feel irritated or itchy. You may also experience blurry or hazy vision and sensitivity to light. These symptoms are normal and nothing to be alarmed about-- within a few days you should notice a considerable improvement in your vision. You will need to have several follow-up appointments with your eye doctor, like Morris Eyecare, in the days and months following your LASIK procedure. 
