Why Blue-Light Filtering Glasses Are Better Than Electronic Adjusters
Many people now know that blue light is dangerous to the eyes. While blue light can be found in many light sources, including sunlight, the abundance of electronic devices in the average home potentially poses a threat to one's vision. Over time, blue light can damage the eyes and promote diseases like macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness.
There are many tools available to turn down the blue light projected by some electronics, but there are a few reasons why they're not as good a choice as blue light filtering glasses. Read on to learn how glasses beat out built-in filters.
Color Discrepancy
One of the biggest problems with plugins and apps that turn down the blue light projected by a computer is that it vastly alters the appearance of the screen. When the blue light is controlled, the screen takes on a red or orange hue. This can make it difficult to use the computer, especially if you do anything on a computer that requires a good understanding of color. Whether you're manipulating a photo or doing some online shopping, it's important to be able to see accurate colors on-screen.
Blue light filtering glasses, on the other hand, don't alter the appearance of what you're looking at, at all. They're a good way of protecting your eyes without adding extra strain or changing the colors you're looking at.
Difficulty Seeing
One of the biggest problems with using a blue light filter on a computer is that certain text and images can become difficult to read. Unfortunately, this can induce eye strain over time. One of the ways people try to cope with this is to turn up the brightness on their computers. However, excess light reaching the eye can also induce eye strain and increase the possibility of headaches. If you're turning on a blue light filter to try and make it easier to sleep at night, turning up the brightness to be able to see clearly defeats the purpose.
Blue light filtering technology on glasses doesn't alter what you see on-screen, so you don't have to adjust brightness or strain your eyes to see.
Lastly, your glasses can offer you all of the advantages of blue light filtering as well as other benefits. Whether you need less exposure to UV radiation or glare coming off of surrounding screens or light sources, your glasses can do that for you in addition to protecting you from blue light.
Including blue light filtering on your next pair of glasses can do a lot to protect your vision and reduce eye strain. Talk to an optician office like Master Eye Associates about your options when you go to pick out a pair of glasses.